Saturday, May 14, 2011

Double digits!

Today we celebrate Charis turning 10 months old! This week has been one of the toughest yet with her sickness, but today she really started turning a corner and feeling better. Praise the Lord!

The big change this month is that she now has two bottom front teeth. :) Happy 10 months, baby girl!

Oops...Mommy forgot to wipe off the avocado from my face!

One of my favorite activities: crawling to the very edge of the bed so Mom and Dad can pull my legs back :)

I'm 10 months old!

Can you spot my teeth?

I'm gearing up to walk here in a few months!

1 comment:

  1. She is amazing and so adorable! Mom

    Happy birthday, Kels! Enjoy your day with your wonderful family!
