Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Guest Blogger

Hi everyone, it's Charis. Mommy is letting me post since I am nine months old today. So in honor of turning nine months, here are nine facts about me:

1. I am doing great eating solid foods, and I especially love avocado, pumpkin, applesauce, and bananas. Now whenever Mommy and Daddy are eating anything, I scoot over and expect that they will give me little bits of their meal.  They usually do. :)

2. I love scooting around on my belly, especially if there is something in front of me that looks interesting. I especially love scooting toward cords, plastic bottles, bowls/plates of food, and paper products.

3. I make noise all the time, but my four favorite words are "Dada," "Baba," "Mama," and "Num" (which I say when I'm eating my food).

4. I absolutely love being outside.  Every time Mommy and Daddy take me out, I start squealing, smiling, and kicking wildly because I am so excited. I especially love to play in the grass at the park near our house.

5. Flapping my arms is my trademark. When something is exciting or makes me happy, my arms go wild because I can hardly contain myself!

6. I love charming people on buses, in the grocery store, etc.  Any time someone looks or smiles at me, I always give them a huge smile in return. That makes them happy.

7. I still love nursing more than just about anything, and Mommy is very happy that I still don't have any teeth.

8. My hair has grown a lot this month, according to Mommy. It sometimes looks crazy in the mornings when I wake up, and I like pulling on it sometimes.

9. I love to hold on to things while standing up, and I sometimes practice walking while Mommy and Daddy hold my arms. Once I learn how to walk, I am going to be unstoppable.


  1. Kelsey-
    She is soooo cute! I love reading all your posts, especially now that Charis is writing, too. :-)

    I'm getting together with your mother, Jan Meek, and Stefanie Griffin for lunch in a couple weeks. I can't wait to catch up with everyone. I hope your mother has lots of Charis stories to tell us.

    We miss y'all. Take care ....


  2. Happy 9 months, sweet princess! Good job on the writing, and great observations about yourself. You are SO smart! Love you, Mimi

  3. Mrs. Pelster,

    That lunch sounds so fun! It's crazy to think how much has happened just since we graduated -- grad school, med school, weddings, babies, etc. I wish I could come, too! I'm glad you enjoy the blog... it's always fun to brag on the little one. :)

    Thanks for writing!

  4. Hmm I like this new blogger especially! I'm going to have to request a repeated update from you! :)
