Saturday, March 12, 2011


Like many large cities, Jerusalem is full of neighborhoods that each have their own unique flavor and culture.  The neighborhood that we live in, Nachlaot, is particularly distinctive because it's known for its narrow alleyways, hidden courtyards, winding cobblestone streets, love for the arts, community gardens, and old-fashioned buildings. The population is diverse -- primarily, it's made up of Orthodox Jews, young families, Americans, and hippies (quite the melting pot!) We have loved living here so far, so enjoy the tour.

Part of our walk from the bus station
A community garden
A beautiful, ornate gate
For some reason, I just LOVE this staircase -- isn't it so unique?

Murals like this one are all over the place

Another street drawing
A little community park -- note the three stray cats. 
A quaint little courtyard
And Nachlaot's cutest resident! She's already spelling her name in Hebrew, as you can see from the blocks in the foreground. :)

1 comment:

  1. B"H Wow! I've just found your blogspot. I love Nachlaot and recognise the places in your photographs. You may want to look at my Face Book 'Nachlaot Art'page on this link
