Friday, March 4, 2011

A Day on the Mediterranean

The weather is warming up quickly here, and we have been itching to get out of Jerusalem and see some other areas of the country.  So today we took a bus to Ashdod, Israel to explore the town and, of course, to spend some time on the beach.  For some reason we never got over to the coast in Oregon after Charis was born, so it was a first for her today, too.

Ashdod, Israel

Spring is coming!

You've got to love how empty this beach was... we felt like we had it to ourselves.

The clear, cool (emphasis on COOL) waters of the Mediterranean Sea

Charis was oh-so-fascinated by the sand

Getting a little dirty

I think someone loves the beach :)

Note the sandy pants and the finger rakes in the sand

Our little beach baby

Gotta love that bathing suit

We walked around a bit of the city, spent time on the beach, grabbed a delicious lunch (Zach was thrilled to find a non-kosher McDonalds), and headed back to our apartment -- which, we noted, is beginning to feel like a home. Shabbat shalom!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, Charis looks so cute in her swimwear! :) It had to be so fun seeing her experience more "firsts" . . . sand, the ocean . . . Glad you had a great time!
