Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Disagreement... You Decide

Since Charis was born, I have been trying to teach her the word "Mama" so it will be her first word, while Zach has, unfortunately, been attempting to do the same with "Dada" (no competitive genes in this family). After this little video shoot today, Zach is claiming victory, but I am still skeptical. . . or maybe just a sore loser?


  1. Well, usually we have your back, Kels. But, this certainly sounded like "Dada". Might be time to throw in the towel on this one. That being said, we actually detected more of "Mimi and Poppy" with some of the other sounds. Okay, maybe we've lost perspective!
    Love you all,
    Mom and Dad T

  2. Thanks for posting video of the little princess! Makes me feel like I can reach out and touch her . . .
    Love you guys so much!

  3. well i think she was just making noises and it may have sounded like she said "dada" but until she knows what it means... like can point to zach and say it and know what it means, i don't think it counts. a noise is just a noise. a word is a noise with meaning. now argue that one out linguist :) ps- she is SO CUTE! I hope yall are having luck finding a place. i love reading your blog!

  4. oh how sweet is that!! I kinda have to agree with your dad,, it sounds like dada to me. but don't feel bad, all I get from Cameron is Gur and he has been saying Papaw for months!!! Your mom just filled me in on the apartment saga and I am so thankful God was with you thru that and it sounds like you have a great place now. we love you all and keep sending those pictures. it makes me smile.
